REACTion Jackson

Keep Calm and Keep Coding

Even though I am in the middle of getting my house ready to sell, I have been able to get a lot of coding in. I have completed the to do app. It is real basic functionality but I can use it as a base when I start the homeschool organizer.

I also completed two out of the five FCC SASS/React projects. A Markdown parser and a FCC camper leaderboard. I am able to get into long coding flows and I am even dreaming about coding now. I was struggling a bit with passing data from child to parent components, but now I have a handle on it.

I had to pick up SASS and had some grit my teeth, desk pounding moments while trying to incorporate it into my workflow. But I got that down now too thanks to youtube and npm/github documentation. I am definitely digging the nesting and variables to make styling more streamlined.

After I complete the next 3 FCC projects, I think I am gonna try to find a freelance or non-profit project to work on. I want to add some real world work to my portfolio. I also want to start attending some coding meet ups when I get back home and start moving in coding circles. I am having lots of fun learning and growing as web developer and I am eager to see where this journey takes me.