Chugging Along


Man it’s been awhile! With the exception of a short gap, I have been coding pretty steadily. In the last two weeks I’ve put my self on a 7 hour sleep schedule, which allows me to get about 2 hours of coding most days and around an 1 hour on exercise days. It seems to be a good balance and should allow me to be ready to job hunt around March 2018 like I was planning.

We will see how it goes, right now I am just focusing on making sure I code at least a little everyday. It is difficult for me because I am an “all in” kind of guy. If I feel I cannot dedicate or focus as much as I would like, I usually just skip it. That has resulted in a lot of lost time so I am trying to change that.

I finished the Game of Life project. It was challenging but I was able to figure it out, and I was actually shocked with how fast I was able to do it once I was actually working on it. I am now on the last React project that Free Code Camp has. It is an old school dungeon crawler and I had to side track to learn HTML canvas so I can generate the maps.

I did try something different with this project though. Before, I would just build out functions and components as I worked through the project and add comments after I was done. This time, I thought about the different components and elements I would need and what they would be made up of. I am also trying out Trello to help keep track of them and my progress. Trying to prepare myself to work as part of a team and not solo like I have been. I am probably going to look for some open source projects that are noob friendly after this project, so have to start thinking differently.

Well, back to the grind now.

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