Back to the Grind

Progammer working

Man! So it’s been a little more than two months since I did any coding. I had to finish up on the house because it was time to return to Georgia. My leave time was up and I had to get back to work. I also neglected my fitness there for a bit so my wife and I decided to get back on track with that. So a full time job and working out six days a week did not leave a lot of time for coding.

I am backing off the workouts a bit to make time for coding. The time I have to code is less than my ideal but my time frame for switching to web development as a career has been extended so it’s not that big of a deal. I am also taking my kids through FCC. So far they have been liking it and breezing through it.

I thought I would be rusty and take awhile to ramp back up, but I was able to pick up where I left off and even moved past an issue I was having when I stopped. I am in the middle of the “Build a Recipe Box” project on FCC. I was struggling with incorporating React-Bootstrap into my project. I think I worked out the kinks though and should be able to complete this project soon.

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